毎号、世界中のBMXシーンをライダーが撮影する写真や記事でお届けする UK発のBMX雑誌、DIG BMX MAGAZINE最新号Issue81が入荷しました。

今回表紙を飾ったのは、ANTHEM2やTHIS IS UNITEDで シンプルでハイスピード、そして豪快なスタイルを世に知らしめた アメリカ人UNITEDライダーのGeoff Slattery。
パナマをツアーしたANIMALの記事やスペインのマラガをツアーしたETNIES 国内でも生中継で盛上がったSimple Sessionなどが特集されています。


ON THE COVER001: Geoff Slattery blasting. Toronto, Canada. Photo by Jeff Allen.

014 Ballbag: Savakas´ James Weston and the culture police. It had to be said…
020 Ignition: Josh Bedford´s squat ramp.
028 Back In The Game: John Povah gives the lowdown on some big changes at Etnies.
030 Carhartt in Japan: Snapshots from the road with Stefan Lantschner and Edwards Zunda.
032 Where ‘ya been?: Dirty Dan Bogard talks misdiagnosis and his road to recovery.
034 Homage: How Philly´s Rocky Rail came and went.
036 Travel Sickness: The good, the rad, and the holy. Rich Forne goes shooting in Israel.

040 Animal in Panama: The Animal crew of Tom White, Dave Belcher, Max Gaertig and Tyrone Willams hook up with Zac Costa and Rob Dolecki for Panama´s ultra rainy season and the world´s best parking garage.
058 Etnies in Malaga: Ben Lewis, Nathan Williams, Ashley Charles, Tony Hamlin, Fabian Rothlisberger and the legend that is soon to be, ‘Jordi boi 2k9´, meet up with Ruben and Sergio on Spanish home turf.
072 If You Only Knew: The intriguing stories behind some new classic Dolecki photos. Featuring Brian Foster, Elf, Butcher, Cody Jennings, Niki Croft, Mike Osso and Arturo Ayala.
090 Instore: Post Bikes and Boarding House. Support your local bike shop!
084 Productivity: Four pages worth of product boner material for your perusal.
094 Low Profile: More young gunners do the Q&A thing.
100 Repo: Behind the scenes at the 2011 Simpel Session. Tallinn ruled yet again…
110 Clocked In: Danny Hickerson is first up for our new feature on ‘pro´ riders who have to work real jobs to get by.

118 Spotify: Sunday´s Alex Magallan keeps it weird and goes on the ultimate scouting mission for spots (or at least anything he can make rideable) in Nashville.
126 Digital Crunch: Send us photos and win shoes from Etnies. Easy…
128 Backchat: Geoff Slattery get his tats out.
